Homework April 2012
HOMEWORK - Finding Your Writing Voice
As we take the courageous step of searching within to reveal our passions, our hurts, our fears and what makes us unique, we will better understand our own make up and this will help us to generate our own writing voice. Also, utilising these emotions will give a greater substance and authenticity to our writing, and what we say will resonate more successfully with our readers.
1. Consider the following questions and answer as many as you can (for your own viewing):
§ What broke your heart
§ What broke your spirit
§ What scares you to death
§ What hurts your more than anything
§ What makes you so happy you can hardly bear it
§ What are your secrets
§ Was there some ideal time in your life to which you long to return to
§ What is still so painful that you cannot let go of it
§ What enrages you
§ What never fails to make you cry
§ What do you wish had never happened to you or others
§ What deeply offends your sense of justice
§ About your own life what do you feel you will never understand
2. Now choose one and use it to write a scenario – fact or fiction (from your own experience, or one you have created).
12 pt, 1.5 spacing. As short as a paragraph but no longer than 2 X A4 pages.
Email to [email protected] before May 16 and they will appear on this site for group members to read.
As we take the courageous step of searching within to reveal our passions, our hurts, our fears and what makes us unique, we will better understand our own make up and this will help us to generate our own writing voice. Also, utilising these emotions will give a greater substance and authenticity to our writing, and what we say will resonate more successfully with our readers.
1. Consider the following questions and answer as many as you can (for your own viewing):
§ What broke your heart
§ What broke your spirit
§ What scares you to death
§ What hurts your more than anything
§ What makes you so happy you can hardly bear it
§ What are your secrets
§ Was there some ideal time in your life to which you long to return to
§ What is still so painful that you cannot let go of it
§ What enrages you
§ What never fails to make you cry
§ What do you wish had never happened to you or others
§ What deeply offends your sense of justice
§ About your own life what do you feel you will never understand
2. Now choose one and use it to write a scenario – fact or fiction (from your own experience, or one you have created).
12 pt, 1.5 spacing. As short as a paragraph but no longer than 2 X A4 pages.
Email to [email protected] before May 16 and they will appear on this site for group members to read.